This program is NOT for PURE dunkers!!! It's not for people who are simply happy with catching alley oops from their friends in between pick up games. This program IS for players who want to see a difference come game time.
When players come to us they may have tried other programs where you work a lot with plyometrics, Olympic lifts, strength training, etc but when it comes to the game and a defender comes into play, all those gains go out the window. The reason is, as great as those tools are for increasing force production, there is no read and react component to the training that forces you to make a decision.
This program IS for basketball players who want to take their already existing skills and add tremendous athleticism to what they have got to skyrocket their results!! Even though this program is made with the beginner and youth athlete in mind, this same system is what we use for the early phases to train our professionals and national team athletes.
In fact, we have used this same system with a player who is a captain for their Senior Men’s National Team and he put 3 inches onto his vertical leap in 3 weeks (EVEN AT HIS LEVEL) He then went on to sign a massive contract with a professional team.
NOT MANY PURE DUNKERS ever get full scholarships because once a defender comes into the picture, it becomes a whole different story. Therefore, it is not enough to simply throw in strength and power work, with Plyometrics and call it a day. We need to combine strength and conditioning, biomechanics, motor learning, and skill acquisition in order to transfer our hard work onto the court.
3 Month Full Programming and Video Guidance for High School Athletes
3 Days Per week of weight room work.
Full progression of Dynamic warm up to perform before every workout.
Step by Step video guidance for perfecting the movement with sets and reps
2 Vertical jump programs per week on and off the court
Theory behind our unique style of training “Repetition without Repetition’ through a constraints-led approach
Free Updates to all future versions of the 12 Week vertical jump program for high school athletes.
FREE Nutrition and Recovery Report to maximize your gains (Value $35 USD)
FREE Hip and Ankle Mobility Program (Value: $30 USD)
build phase
Building Functional Strength for upcoming phases
Starting Phase of Power and Elasticity
Introducing Scripted and Guided finishing for better in game finishes.
Increase work capacity
(Get in much better condition for the court)
Absorb and produce force more efficiently
Strengthening tendons, ligaments and muscles for better bounce!
More advanced random training so that your brain adapts to game situations.
Reduce body fat significantly
Feel more spring in your step than you ever have before.
Be able to read defenders to know which finish to use.
Increase strength to support your new hops.
Acceleration and change of direction is now easiest its ever been.
Can I do this program at Home?
You will need access to a gym. This doesn’t mean that you need to have access to a high-performance facility, but a commercial gym usually has the necessary tools and equipment to get the job done!
I have some previous injuries. Is this program suitable for me?
While we do our best to give alternatives to injuries in different regions of the body, we definitely advise all of our clients to consult their general practitioner or physical therapist before beginning any new exercise regime. All athletes must understand they will need to undergo high-intensity training such as resistance training and plyometrics in order to reach their goal of increasing their vertical leap.
How long is this program?
The entire duration of the program is 12 weeks long. However, if you feel that there are movements that you are not grasping as well, we advise that you stay on the same phase before moving on. We will never advise that you finish a phase earlier, but we have had clients add an extra 2 weeks onto each phase and had great results!
What is after the 12 weeks?
This will depend on your training age and how long you have undergone strength and conditioning. We have cycled through the same program and changed the intensity with each cycle and had fantastic results. Since you have gone through the whole 12 weeks, there should be a significant difference, therefore when you start the 2 second cycle of the 12 weeks, you can adjust all the weights appropriately so that the BUILD phase is challenging.
Will I have to pay for new editions in the future for this program when it comes out?
Once you buy this program, you will have all the future updates for life.
What happens if I see no gains?
If you see no gains within 60 days, we will honor your commitment to the program and give you a full refund within 60 days.